Generating variable voltage with Arduino, ESP8266 and ESP32
Let's see how we can generate a variable voltage with Arduino, ESP8266 and ESP32 using different techniques.
Let's see how we can generate a variable voltage with Arduino, ESP8266 and ESP32 using different techniques.
A Gateway that allows you to receive signals sent with ESPNOW and forward them as MQTT messages.
ESP-NOW is a "new" radio communications protocol supported by the ESP8266 and ESP32, developed by Espressif, its manufacturer, which allows very fast data transmissions (and when I say very fast, I mean very fast). Its main objective is to replace Wifi to allow much lower power consumption and thus greater autonomy ... Read more
CO2 meter with colour display and Bluetooth connection. Take it with you everywhere and measure the air quality discreetly and at any time.
CO2 meter with App for Android and iOS, via Bluetooth, official from the sensor manufacturer Sensirion
In this article I am going to tell you what you have to do to mount a CO2 meter with a MQ-135 (sic) sensor. An easy and cheap tutorial (it's free). I hope that, if you are reading this article, it is because you have thought about building an easy and cheap meter with a MQ-135 sensor and ... Read more
Learn how to add a rechargeable battery to your project, easily and safely.
Everything you need to know about connecting a buzzer to a NodeMCU, ESP8266 or Arduino
Temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure easily and accurately.
What do we need to consider when powering external sensors and actuators?